Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Music man

Everyday is a blessing. I was reminded of that this morning as I rushed my husband to the hospital with the fear of a stroke or heart attack. He is fine and has an inner ear problem and is very dizzy.
This is a painting I made of him. It is priceless to my family and me as it shows a happy man and his love of music. We create many paintings for people from images we took or from their own photographs.
Do count your blessings today. I sure am!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Great Band, great party!

Many thanks to those who attended the Valentines Day party! The Reivers sang ever so sweetly and many guests went away with some nice prises- free sessions-portraits-Custom art trivets-Bay City Flags- tee shirts and custom jewelry by Cindy Sherbeck.. I am looking forward to doing the sessions for those of you who won.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Party downtown

Please come on February 14th from noon till 4pm. We will have our favorite house band, the Reivers as well as refreshments, door prizes and drawing's for our trivets, brand new yard flags and 2 free garden sessions and a custom painting.